Caleb Getto

Caleb is an interdisciplinary artist working in printmaking, drawing, installation, sculpting, and writing. Within these media, they explore how absence and presence store information while also investigating the body, mind, and personal memories both separately and in relation to one another. Thoughts and questions about secrets and facades occupy them regularly. They are from New England and currently reside in Providence.

Selected Works
909 Beaverhead Road

The Raised Garden Bed


“As our bodies have skeletons so should our garden have a bony structure. It is only upon a firm foundation that the irregular growth of plant and tree can best clothe and deck the garden. Frilled edge of flower contrasts with severe edge of design … It was by reason of its severe underlying structure that the really old garden scored its success; for what could be more rigid than the walled garden, with the tight symmetry of espalier fruit trees, ruler straight lines of vegetable patch and unswerving order of box edging?”

Clare Leighton, Four Hedges

The Raised Garden Bed


Thoughts Between New Haven & Norwell

Handbound Book with Typewritten Text


Redefining “Master” Copies 

Clamshell Box - Inventory Booklet - Various Drawing Media on Paper


Copy After Pitseolak Ashoona’s ‘Woman with Doll’

Sumi ink on paper

Copy After Roser Bru’s ‘Las Niñas Crecen (The Girls Grow/Grow Up)’

Watercolor on paper

Copy After Akira Arita’s ‘Untitled (Wooden Horse)’

Graphite on paper

2 Bed | 1 Bath | 1,100 sq ft

Stone Lithograph on Rives heavyweight


We were both a small part of each other’s lives,
It lived a life before me
And will live a life after me.

I would certainly say
It left more of an imprint on me
Than I did on it.

A facilitator of my memories that does not demand a finite Truth, but rather allows my mind to meander in and out of this particular frame of reference. To bind memories to a particular image is to bind memories to a Truth. I would rather explore the myriad truths that exist throughout my memories, desperately trying in vain to give my memories some sort of corporeal form even when I know they can never be as visceral outside my mind as they are inside.

2 Bed | 1 Bath | 1,100 sq ft

Studies & Variations

Cavity Caleb

To cut open . . . To open up

1 : 1 Scale

PVC, wire, paper mache, plaster, and aluminum